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Welcome to 1st Grade!

Mrs. Delfini 

Dear Parents,


Welcome to Richboro! My name is Mrs. Delfini and I will be your child's 1st Grade teacher this year. This is a very exciting time for you and your child. First grade is an adventure filled with new and enjoyable experiences for both of you! New experiences can sometimes bring up questions or concerns. Please do not hesitate to bring these to my attention. As you will see, the home and school connection is very important. We will work together to establish a happy and smooth transition for your child and foster their success in school.


If you prefer that your child use a nickname, please contact me as soon as possible so items are labeled correctly prior to the first day of school. 


Your child will receive a "First Day of School" transportation card either through an email you

can print out or your child can pick it up at orientation or the first day

of school. Please attach this tag to your child's backpack so it is visible during the first week of

school. Our first day of school is Monday, August 30th. Please

complete the tag with the information designating how your child will go home from school:

  1. Dismissal arrangements (car, bus, specify childcare van) 
  2.  Bus number going home only (please check because sometimes the bus number is different in the morning than the afternoon)                                                  
  3.  Parent’s name + phone number where you can be reached at dismissal time 


Please submit proof of Physical Exam and Dental Exam dated after 7/1/2020 if you did not do so with registration.  Blank copies are below and completed forms can be e-mailed to or turned in this September.





                                                                                       Mrs. Eileen Delfini

Eileen Delfini 1st Grade Teacher Richboro Elementary 215-944-1988(school) Email is the best way to reach me.